Dr. Michael Tuval is an independent scholar and a tour guide. He holds a Ph.D in ancient Jewish history from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Tuval was a postdoctoral scholar at the Hebrew U in 2011-12, a visiting scholar at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland) in 2012-13, and a visiting research fellow at Ludwig-Maximilians Universität in Munich (Germany) in 2013-15. He is the author of From Jerusalem Priest to Roman Jew: On Josephus and the Paradigms of Ancient Judaism (Tübingen: Mohr-Siebeck, 2013), a co-editor of a new Russian translation and commentary The Four Books of Maccabees (Jerusalem–Moscow: Gesharim, 2014), the editor, coauthor and translator of Herod: Ancient Authors on the King of Judea (Jerusalem: MG Library, 2022) (in Russian), and the author of Synagogue of Giants: How Magicians, Pharisees, and Proselytes Changed the World (Jerusalem: Wheels University, 2022) (in Russian). He is currently completing the first volume of a book on Jesus and his movement in the context of first–century Judaism (in Russian).
Last Updated
August 12, 2024
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Articles by the Author
Even before the destruction of the Temple in 70 C.E., the Jews of the Greco-Roman Diaspora successfully created Judaic systems that provided them with identity, purpose, new ways of thinking, and alternative points of access to the divine, independent of the Temple rituals in far-off Jerusalem.
Even before the destruction of the Temple in 70 C.E., the Jews of the Greco-Roman Diaspora successfully created Judaic systems that provided them with identity, purpose, new ways of thinking, and alternative points of access to the divine, independent of the Temple rituals in far-off Jerusalem.