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Justice System

Jehoshaphat’s Judicial Reform

The Book of Chronicles updates and reinterprets Deuteronomy’s court system.


Yigal Levin


Parry Moshe


Deuteronomy’s Justice System: Real and Ideal

Deuteronomy’s legal system is complex, combining descriptions of how law actually functioned with elements of ideal law.


Yigal Levin


Parry Moshe


Stoning the Idolater: The Significance of Proper Procedure


Shalom E. Holtz



When the God of Justice Goes Rogue

YHWH commissions Isaiah to distract the people of Judah so that they continue to sin and then YHWH can punish them harshly. In contrast to other biblical figures such as Abraham and Moses, Isaiah is silent at this injustice.


Marvin A. Sweeney



Judges Who Are Magistrates

Who were the shoftim?


Mark Leuchter



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