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Ruth the Moabite Breaks a Pattern of Seduction

Lot’s older daughter gets him drunk and conceives the forefather of the Moabites. Tamar, Boaz’s foremother, conceals her identity from her father-in-law, Judah, to bear his child. Although Naomi encourages Ruth to seduce Boaz, Ruth reveals her identity to him, thereby correcting the legacy of her foremothers, including that of the daughters of the Moabites, who seduced the Israelites into apostasy.


Gili Kugler



The Book of Ruth: A Serious Comedy

The story has a comic undergirding as Naomi and Ruth teach the staid patriarch Boaz a humanitarian lesson.


Nehama Aschkenasy



The Dark Side of the Book of Ruth: Sexual Harassment in the Field

When Boaz sees Ruth gleaning in the field, and learns who she is, he offers her protection from his own workers’ predatory behavior, giving us a glimpse at what poor women, gleaning in the field, had to contend with.


Jonathan Rabinowitz



Boaz Married Ruth at the Threshing Floor: A Grammatical Solution to Ruth 4:5

Boaz’s speech to the unnamed kinsman (Ruth 4:5) is difficult. By interpreting one element as an enclitic mem, as found in Eblaite, and by making use of the alternative textual option known as the ketiv, a new meaning for Boaz’s claim emerges.


Gary Rendsburg



Honoring the Death of Soldiers

Praise of heroic death is a trope in ancient Near Eastern and Greek texts, and in modern commemorations such as Israel’s Yom Hazikaron and America’s Memorial Day, yet it is conspicuously absent in the Bible. Why?


Jacob L. Wright



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