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The Hated Wife

Hate in ancient Near Eastern law, the Torah, and Elephantine ketubot is a legal term. If a man demotes his wife to second in rank for no fault, merely because he “hates” her, he cannot also take away her firstborn son’s right to inherit a double portion.


Bruce Wells



The Passover Papyrus Orders a Religious Furlough for Judean Soldiers

The real reason Persia’s King Darius II sent a letter to the governor of Egypt that Judean soldiers in Elephantine should keep the festival of Matzot.

Prof. Rabbi

Tamara Cohn Eskenazi



Passover Becomes about Matzah when the Paschal Lamb Becomes Associated with Jesus

As late as the Second Temple period, Passover and Chag HaMatzot were viewed as two separate holidays. What was the final impetus to concretize the synthesis of these holidays into one?


Malka Z. Simkovich



The Elephantine Passover Papyrus: Darius II Delays the Festival of Matzot

A new look at the “Passover Papyrus” from Elephantine and the nature of the Hebrew calendar in the Achaemenid Empire.


Idan Dershowitz



Sacrificing a Lamb in Egypt

When a Temple of Yahu Stood Near a Temple of Khnum


Jan Assmann


Dr. Rabbi

Zev Farber


The 220-Year History of the Achaemenid Persian Empire

An overview of Persian history starting from Cyrus the Great’s conquest of Media (549 B.C.E.) until Alexander the Great’s conquest of Persia (334-329 B.C.E.), including related biblical references and Jewish texts.

Dr. Rabbi

Zev Farber



Jewish Attitudes Towards the Land of Israel during the Time of the Second Temple


Malka Z. Simkovich



Passover and the Festival of Matzot: Synthesizing Two Holidays


Michael L. Satlow



The Meaning of Degel and the Elusive History of the Levites

Two Problems In Parashat Bemidbar 

Prof. Rabbi

Baruch A. Levine



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